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Physician Advantage

We are committed to providing patients with the highest level of care.

Our network support solutions free up the time and resources at physician offices so that the focus can remain on patient care.

Our support services we provide are customized to suit the unique needs of different practices.

A Consultant Pharmacist with extensive pharmaceutical knowledge of specialty drug therapies is expertly managing the drug therapy of their patients.

Dedicated Account Manager

Physician offices have unrestricted access to a Dedicated Account Manager, a liaison between the practice and our support services team. The Dedicated Account Manager assigned to the office ensures that all practice needs are met and acts as the portal to our full range of services.

Reimbursement Specialists

Our Reimbursement Specialists manage the third-party coordination of specialty drug therapies and remove any insurance barriers preventing patients from receiving the optimal specialized drug therapy.

Let's Discuss Your Needs

We look forward to working with you.

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